Winter Break: Part 1

After living four months in Madrid, I’d like to think I’ve got it down pretty good now. I completed the first two semesters of three of my Master’s which is extremely hard to believe but OH, so exciting, I’ve mastered the metro which is probably the nicest I’ve seen anywhere, and learned how to hop up on a bar stool and ask frankly and without much anglosaxon politeness for my Mahou (practically the only beer available here) and a my pincho of tortilla española. Sí, being a madrileña means being asking for what you, want when you want it, and without a please or thank you.

As for my little adventures, most of them happened recently with my parents when we saw lots of Madrid, Barcelona y some small towns close to Madrid. I would have to say that my personal favorite was the monastery on top of the mountain about an hour outside of Barcelona, Montserrat. It was absolutely beautiful and I wish I could have spent more time hiking around.This is Mom and I up on top of the mountain.Here’s the monastery in the side of the mountain.

So, if you take a trip to Barcelona, Montserrat is a must, while I loved all the amazing architecture of Antoni Gaudí, its just can’t compare to the beauty of nature.
Happy New Year!
