WALES…been there, got the t-shirt…

This picture adequately sums up how I felt about my day in Wales…
Cold, rainy and absolutely beautiful in a sort of British Isles kind of atmosphere. Hopefully, someday I’ll get to go back on a sunny day because Siân tells me its even prettier. Rob, Siân’s dad, took us (Siân, Louise and myself) up to Wales to see all the places that they used to visit on holiday when they were kids. I didn’t have room in my last blog to write about it, but it was by far one of the highlights of my time in the UK!
On our first stop, about 45 minutes from Siân’s village (yes, it has 1,000 people in it…hehe…) we walked around the old wall that used to contain the town and saw a massive castle and these picturesque sailboats…someday, I have to own one I’ve decided…
Across from the boats we noticed, amazingly enough, The Smallest House in Great Britain! Not everyone can say they’ve seen the smallest house in a country! Ha! The door was just the right size for Siân (sorry, Siân…just had too.)
Then we saw the city where Rob when to university and there is an awesome view and a famous bridge, sorry I can’t remember any of the names of these places because they are all in Welsh.Then we ended up on the beach in the pouring rain in Wellies and anoraks and I looked like a typical tourist – totally worth it! Luckily there was a pub close by, imagine that, and amazingly enough we were able to get a hold of some tea…suprise, surpise.I leave you all with a little pic of me and the Welsh dragon.
Miss you all and wish you could see all this in person with me!
