
Last week I explored the Ex-carcel in Valparaíso. Its an old jail that amazingly just closed down in 1999 and has been “renovated” into a cultural center and park. Basically is is covered in tons of grafitti. It’s really quite intriguing. Here is what the entrance looks like:

Various classes and workshops are offered in rooms that they’ve made out of ex-cells, I’m assuming, and most are based in the arts. They also offer various theater performances. While we were walking around there was a drum circle practicing which added a certain intensity to the experience. You can see them practicing on the right side of the picture. Erin is enthused…

Once you walk farther in, its quite maze-like, but there is one big open area that I’m assuming was the “recreational area” for the inmates and it now serves as canvas for various artists. I think it would make a nice area for frisbee…

Here are some of the interesting pictures covering the walls of this old, creepy prison:
Preso de mi mismo” – “Prisoner of myself”

Ben enters the circo

And is eaten on the other side…

Although it doesn’t show up well here, this is my favorite…

This artist does lots of work throughout Viña…

Well…hope you enjoyed…un besito!
